risograd @wordalola & @susmita.paul.writes printed a zine w It‘s been a long process but we can finally and We did a Workshop and printed some notebooks cover for their next reading @cafekaiserfeld @zusammen_l @rankuene printed their tour poster in fluo pink t @kathrinkloeckl visited us in Graz to print her zi @lilacvegetal printed their posters for their upco Flyer und Plakate in Medium blue für "ver s treue Das @blaettern_literaturbuero (@wordalola & @lisa_ Juhu, es gibt erste Risumpf Termine fürs Jahr 202 Risography Workshop Gold on Black Edition✨ No pr First insights into our book project with @eddastr Fluorescent Pink on pink, black and grey paper for Spiel mit! Feministisches Liederbuch – Präsentati We printed the zine "fehl er leben" (A5, 60 pages) Printing day with a bit of sun. Der @container_25 hat 2 wunderschöne Plakate (ora @breakoutofhead von der Lesereihe @mondmeerundmarg Gemeinsam risodrucken und versumpern. Jeden ersten Von Februar bis Juli gibts ein neues Risowerkstatt Load More Follow on Instagram